NOTICE: Images of the COMPOSITION # 1, 2 and 3 paintings, Will be made available as JPEG online after the exhibit is ended.

Youtube videos  of the performances will however will be made
available prior to the
UKS Show.

Transfer composition #2
Rigging and Driving: Sigurd Blandhoel
Photography: Ann Kristin Johnsen

Performance: Christian Blandhoel
Video: Tripod
Sound: Huzza/Christian Blandhoel
Location: VULKAN (thanks)

Sequel action:
Lessons learned from #1 applied to #2.
The Heavier string gauges the Use of effects to keep a steady sound-scape. Different colours etc.. Changing the position, in the same space as used earlier.

Shown:  The different stages of the guitar from performance prep. to post composition #2. String change between #1 and 2# plus attempted clean up after each performance.
# 2